How To Be The Love You Seek: Break Cycles, Find Peace & Heal Your Relationships
By: Dr. Nicole Lepera
Why hello there….February. Relationships are the topic for this month’s reading. Relationships serve a great purpose in our lives. They are a need to be fulfilled. They are sustenance to our very beings. We all know that February brings many people to consider their romantic relationships with others but isn’t it equally as important to consider our relationships well rounded? How are our relationships with friends? Family? Co-workers? And then entangle our romantic relationships in there somewhere. Relationships require effort, time, thought and understanding. Not just to explore the other persons involved but also ourselves. How are we affecting those relationships that we are in? These are all questions to ask ourselves. Am I continuing cycles that are ineffective? Am I carrying over my own issues in particular relationships that I am unaware of? Relationships play a key role in our own mental well being and having the awareness to tend to self and our own roles within the relationship can provide the path to healthy connections with others.
The reading this month has all to do with looking deeper at ourselves and finding the deeper rooted connections within ourselves and inevitably, the relationship we are involved in. In Dr. Nicole Lepera’s How to Be the Love you Seek: Break Cycles, Find Peace & Heal Your Relationships, you are given the insight to gain access to your emotions, developing safety and understanding to further explore possible unmet needs and how this may be affecting relationships in your life. The book will explore areas such as: How your childhood could be impacting your current relationship, the impact of trauma on the mind and body, how to connect with your true authentic Self, how to tap into your heart to identify the relationships you actually desire, and finally empowering yourself within such relationships. The goal moving forward to be involved in healthy relationships as well as developing a coherence of that relationship by finding solace within self. By breaking cycles from the past and present we are able to find the capacity for understanding and compassion. The source for those capabilities are innately in our own hearts. The biggest mountain to push through is ourselves.